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Our Purpose, Our Goal

"Start Where You Are. You are not too late,

and you're never too early. Design thinking can help you build your way forward from wherever you are, regardless of the life design problem you are facing. But before you can figure out which direction to head in, you need to know where you are and what design problems you are trying to solve"  (Burnett & Evans, 2016, p.3).


Our focus is to help people discover the purpose for their lives, craft their vision, and chart their course moving forward.

This is a challenge because we face extraordinary obstacles in our lives concerning leadership, career, and leading a fulfilling life. Having less discretionary time is now the norm, while increased levels of stress seem unavoidable

This is especially true in the workplace, where multiple studies point to a growing demotivated workforce where job satisfaction and work-life balance seem unattainable. 


Our goal is to help everyone:

  • Assess where they are currently

  • Discover their life's purpose

  • Connect with your passions & core values

  • Explore future options

  • Take action to close the gap between current and future state


Our expertise includes building people while building the organization's business, developing highly engaged professionals, leaders, and team members capable of supporting corporate strategy and goals while building constructive organizational cultures.

Why is Coaching is Important


The pace of life is causing us to question leadership, life, and career.

  • We find ourselves in seasons where we are searching for a more fulfilling life.

  • Workplace demands to do more with less are causing us to rethink our careers and work-life balance.

  •  We are asked to do more… better… faster… yet with less time and resources.

  • "80% of leaders state coaching would help manage stress."  (Baltes, Campbell, Martin, & Medding, 2007, p. 3)

The fast-paced nature of our lives and careers dictates that disruption is here to stay. Whether we are struggling as a leader or dealing with an ineffective leader at work, coping with life's challenges, or a season of restlessness, coaching will help you discover your passions, create your vision and purpose, and chart your course forward.

Click here to contact us to discuss how we can help you grow.

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